The Vektor is okay, it does respectable damage to aircraft at range. However, bringing it to bear is cumbersome and staying on target is impossible...
There have been many rumors (and some official word) surrounding optimization designed for the PS4 translating into multicore optimization for PCs,...
I want greater weapon variety in this game, and I think the enforcer modified is an excellent opportunity to make a really cool and interesting...
Doesn't the striker have more range than the annihilator? 500 vs 300 meters, I thought.
In a word, yes.
People have begged for mouse yaw since beta. Don't hold your breath...
Yeah, but they already do that for things like C4 and grenades. Doesn't sound like an obstacle to me.
It would be a simple thing to make the Sunderer's repair not affect a galaxy that also has repair. The nanites interfere with each other, or...
The skill ceiling for flying ESF's is insanely high, and the learning curve is more like a wall, thanks to the dominance of very experienced players....
Jammer grenades. Jammer grenades were amazing. I wonder... SOE tried so hard to get rid of vehicle spawncamping by erecting ridiculous walls around...
I miss /em cabbagepatch. [IMG] That's me doing the cabbage patch for Sporkfire (remember him?) as the meteors fell at the Bend of the World party.
Yeah, currently, using drifters on the ground will make you collide with the ground if it is even slightly uphill. They only work on perfectly flat...
I suggest these two changes: Drop pods appear on radar This will allow some defensive counter-play by drivers. That way, if your vehicle get...
It's only a nerf for pilots with OCD.
Did anyone even read the OP?
Not necessarily. Remember, there is a lot of weapons in this game, and many people graduate from their starter weapons very quickly. This keeps...
Ah, another nanoweave thread from our friend Stew. Good to know the world isn't ending.
From these stats we can deduce... nothing. For example, C4 is listed as #2 not because it is overpowered, but because any class can use it. How...
Poor sportsmanship isn't illegal, unfortunately.
Wasn't the halberd's damage type changed to AP a while ago?
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