anyone got a video of this hacker slaughtering all those TR? i wanna see this <_<
( sorry, still on page 7, will catch up eventually :P ) i don't get this position of " there's only zergfests everywhere, lattice is bad please...
they need the huge pop bonus cause they're uncoordinated trash, just /orders and tell your faction to roll over the scrubs.
either reflex sights are really good.
basically, what i'm gettin from this is that the SABR is really the only option, since everything else is " long range, but not really ". fair...
i have close and med range weapons, i need one for longer range engagements.
not sure which of the guns is suited for long range combat, any pointers?
didn't work
hello all, i'm not too sure how the servers are divided so i'm just assuming that it's divided east coast west coast :P anyway: when i start up the...
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