I like the way where it is headed, but I think the CoF is a bit over the top. Just try shooting infantry in VR on 40-60 meters (which is pretty much...
Personally I prefer Enforcer for the nice sustained damage, the accuracy and no recoil. Also I can't stand the Halberd's crosshair. Friend of mine...
Handicapped? Disadvantages? Vanguard is the least handicapped MBT out of the three. I'm not sure what kind of trolling do you guys want to...
Well, he could still go ahead and auraxium all that, then there are two more empires...
But that means you got the Black and Gold NS weapons too, right? :eek:
1. Crimson Bluff Tower 2. Freyr Amp Station 3. I forgot the name, but those twin towers on Esamir, that are connected and you can have a battle on...
I don't know why is everyone so crazy about the Jackhammer. It's just about as crap as any other empire specific heavy guns. Yes, you can kill a...
I remember reading rumors about the BFR is in the tutorial part, if I remember correctly behind the walls of the shooting range, where you're told...
Again, this guy who does the killing, made about 1500 certs a day. Most likely without any boosts. Currently they're sitting on the 15th and...
Character created 3 days ago, 53 hours played. ~1 million score, 12k kills, if you manage to divide the two numbers you'll see it's about 80...
SOE should care. If you can get away with things like that, it might just become more popular. Why would I spend 700 SC to unlock a gun, when I...
Anchor if you're TR, otherwise probably Adrenaline Shield. Possibly Recon Device, if you play a lot of infiltrator.
I would probably not play if it went below 30-35. Not because it would annoy me at around 25-30 fps range, but there would be a possibility for way...
Had exactly the same thoughts at the snowy part. 360p, pixelated as hell, blurred, can't see s***, but those trees and hills are quite good.
We know your type. First you want these nerfs, next you want to remove the bra from our infiltrators. No way, dude.
I love that new stuff has been added to the Roadmap, but I'd wait with the celebration until some of them gets actually added to the game.
You want a reason why isn't this topic full of feedbacks? Because nobody of the staff members bothered to post it and a great deal of players...
Which is still almost entirely irrelevant to your original post, where you based the balance on weapons and vehicles. Currently NC has 37% on...
https://players.planetside2.com/#!/planetstatus Keep an eye on that. Most servers don't really seem to have much of a problem of NC being owned...
Well, I'm mainly NC player, though I play all three factions. And to be honest, there's nowhere to "bring up" NC. You want vehicle fights? Vanguard...
Separate names with a comma.