They refunded ZOE certs after much needed nerfs/balancing changes, just sayin.
Do you seriously believe that nonsense? Anybody who has played VS HA for more than an hour knows full well how much of an advantage .75ads LMGs...
VS if you like prefer playing HA. TR if you like prefer playing Medic
I auraxium'd the Lasher last week for the HA directive and found it is much more effective in CQC than I thought it would be. I started using it...
Balls to interlinks, all I want is a Skyguard with dual Walkers instead of a tickle-me-elmo flak cannon of lag. Let me guard the sky dammit!
You want to know the secret to make getting c4'd a thing of the past? Stop tunnel visioning the pretty lights in your thermal optics or better yet,...
The issue isn't HA shields or medkit spam, the issue is your self confessed horrible aim and the fact you basically just mag dumped in his general...
If you are capable of reliably landing headshots, then a HA shield will not save them without this pointless change anyway, so what would be the...
Stick an AV grenade to them, then hit them with a Decimator for an instagib and a usually very amusing hate tell. Either get behind them, throw AV...
That would be an effective strategy if Miller NC actually cared about /orders, they don't. VS win alerts and NC/TR fight each other because...
Get the MSW, battle rifles are sh*t.
Orion/BG/SVA with .75 ads is an unfair advantage and is long overdue for a nerf, but anyone who thinks that those VS heavies spanking you now, won't...
If you are half decent then killing is the best way to farm certs, so just choose your class/vehicle of choice and go kill crazy. If you are not so...
Every class, especially cloakers should have access to AV nades. Sweet dancing jehovah, I fkin hate MAXs
If you don't want to spend them then why would you care if you can earn more to not spend? Just keep the 25k and frozen cert gain.
Best sniper is Darkelfdruid. Best SMG cloaker, who knows or cares. It would be like trying to determine who is the best at drooling in a special...
Hate tells have gone into over drive in the last week, here's a highlight from classy cobalt... [img]
1) No, giving ESF that don't equip fuel pods an afterburner is what made ESF too versatile, if you were forced to choose between AB or a...
Couldn't agree more, not only would it force pilots to specialise for either A2A or A2G and create natural counters, it would also go a long way...
Separate names with a comma.