Jaeger is also feeling the hurt. VS on this server seems to have lost a lot of its players. Or, more grown-ups play VS and it's only 5:30pm on the...
I'm also having this problem. Check it... at Zurvan Amp Station on Jaeger, 10am ET, 03 Feb 2013 [media]
Funny, I was just on my Flash. Scout Radar was working fine.
I really only stick to one loadout. - Artemis (full auto scout rifle) w/ 2x reflex sight, fore grip, and compensator - Manticore w/ suppressor -...
Okay, so... we know how control points work. There are two kinds. - The ones that you can flip by yourself and which control the allegiance of a...
Nerf TR!
If you played on Jaeger with me, good game TR and NC. It felt like the server was going to crash during the second event.
Flash respawn timer reduction. :>
I'm happy we don't have a re-spec option. Especially if you had to pay to do it. You know what happens in most games when you get near the level cap?...
You mean like the almost identical class structure, medkit function, ammo resupply, turrets, spies, and so on, forever? Lots of sci-fi features...
I think this would be great for helping the Infiltrator live up to its name. [Lv1: 200 certs, pad lasts 60 seconds.] [Lv2: 300 certs, pad lasts 120...
Yes, I have bought the Manticore and yes you can use it with any class that fires a pistol. I haven't cert'd a laser sight for it... yet. Seems...
Not sure if troll... <_< If you care about your own personal K/D stat, I feel you are cheating yourself. My Kill-to-Death ratio is floating at...
Yup. Best PS2 vid I've seen yet; brief, demonstrative, funny. ^5
since launch: almost 3 days on my one dude.
This happens to me as well... usually during extremely heavy fighting or at the warpgate. Lag times seem to spike then as well. I had been assuming...
Right now, when you use the cloaking ability, your timer starts draining and does not stop from doing this until you turn off the cloak or your timer...
So, people don't play the game the way you want them to play it... and then you TK them. Got it. I'm glad you don't play on my server.
As others have pointed out, the hex grid is a system like the old lattice except it allows for more player options in attacking. Do you...
Separate names with a comma.