This [media]
Night also needs to be taken off all maps as well as having all unique features removed and terrain flattened.
Don't worry,I'm sure new guns will be released soon.
- This is an FNO video if you want to see us in action
A mic is required for this outfit
Were not necessarily a competitive or casual outfit,we take players of all skill levels and have optional trainings for each division for members...
That's the point of the change,to allow pilots to use skill to defeat missiles,that's how missiles tend to track in real life and is a fun change for...
There is much glory to be had when flying with a 12 plus man reaver squad in air wing,you need not but utter the direction of an enemy on your tail...
Sees EXE Mossie ball.......realizes I can only kill half without air wing. #Flywithfriends
Get some sleep,because I sure as hell wont.
There are tank mines in the game?
I think you need to try out DCS A10c
And not much else.
Id prefer they just add TrackIR support for aircraft and make the vehicle FOV adjustable.
double xp broke when the server crashed
Bring it back! I want there to be nighttime in this game,not some stupid filter.
Don't get a joystick for this game,I have a $600 Replica a10c flight stick and flight control panel with rudder pedals and I cant fly with it for...
Separate names with a comma.