So i think it's a windows 8.1 Problem. i really don't remember when it exactly started. But i have a Memory Leak with my RAM. When i play Games i lag...
I Didn't know where to put this topic so i put it here. Move it if you have too. So i've been MiA for about 9-10 months. What has changed in...
I'm Curious of when Double or Triple Station Cash would be purchasable. I saw on the forums under news and announcements that there was a double...
I Believable Virrago forgot to list the patch notes for 01.17.2013 hotfix just recently patch. Not the 01.16.2013 hotfix. Those patch notes are...
Is there a way to shoot 600 Rockets? This is a bug or render glitch im guessing. Check it out! [media]
Happy New Years. Where is the SOE Celebrating Gift. I Want Triple SC All day. i wasn't prepared last time. Make it Triple SC All day and i will buy...
[IMG] Sky Soldiers Notice: We are Currently Looking for Dedicated Leaders to fill in our...
Okay. Soo was playing earlier tonight. I Was running PS2 tottally fine. 50 fps in Warpgate, 40 in normal battles, and 30 at biolab. Decent Fps and...
I Have not played PS2 in like 48 hours. I Don't know if this mini patch was yesturday or today but i patched something around 36mbs just now, and i...
I Fly a Gunship i get 85FPS, And when i'm at warpgate i get like 55ish. But when i get in big battles i get 20fps and lag spikes. I Meet the...
Okay. I Once put up a thread about having alot of respect for PS2. I Love PS2 alot. Great game. Best Gameplay ever. To be honest Game Update 1 has...
Airborne Here. First i would like 2 say i got alot of respect for this game. Love it. Great game. Very Good Gameplay. Very Fun, and Addicting. I...
I See everyone else complaining of a graphic change in this recent minor patch today. i have not played for 2 days and i get on tonight and start...
Got a couple of friends now that play planetside 2 and i already made a char until i found out they on same server but different faction. Is there a...
Okay so supposely i heard, not sure if its correct but it would make sense that Planetside 2 only uses 25% CPU Usage. If soo why and is it possible...
i'm starting to get really pissed off to the limit. Yeah my pc may be 2 years old with a new video card and PSU, Keyboards, Mice and Headset, Moniors...
Separate names with a comma.