Sorry NC and VS, but you lost the event. Want to know why? Because TR have people ACTIVELY RECRUITING SOLDIERS! There's a reason TR have higher...
It seems like major development has ceased for this game. Yeah yeah yeah, there are tons of things in the pipeline. But we were supposed to have an...
The game crashes. A lot. And when it crashes, all of your tank mines / proximity mines go along with it. That can be several hundred resources. And...
So players using a VPN, or living in a foreign country, have a pretty cheap tactic that they've been using lately. The high ping prevents the target...
Please remove this awful feature. Medics should not be able to rex maxes. It turns every battle into either a) a stalemate or b) a farm.
A lib pilot shouldn't be able to swap between Driver --> Gunner seats at whim. It allows him to effectively have the advantages of a...
What the ****? How has this weapon not been nerfed already? Or at least temporarily removed until it can be "balanced?"
The last new content was the Harasser. And before that, the new rocket launchers. Feels like those were introduced ages ago. Man, things have...
Nothing says "large-scale battle" like not being able to see a pack of enemy-ESFs until they're a couple hundred meters away!
I used to logon a few times a day to see if I could get some Alert XP, and I often got sucked in and played for a bit. For the past two days, I...
As someone who has played TR primarily for the past few months (with ~20% as NC), I can confidently say that Reaver is awful. The giant hitbox. The...
Have fun, NC and VS.
Attn Waterson players: As soon as an Alert starts, everyone join TR. With this new change you only get Alert XP in proportion to the amount of time...
It was nice having a base where you knew there'd always be a fun fight. Really not sure why they "fixed" it.
Populations have plummeted over the last few weeks. Only a couple half-decent fights now exist, and two continents are basically empty at all times...
Spend vehicle resources on this thing, and the damn thing drives like it's a sled on ice. Is there some trick to using this, or the devs just not...
I understand that in a friendly fire game we should be very hesitant to make exceptions, as it detracts from the realism and predictability with the...
Because that guy's judgment is seriously questionable. "Hey guys, we have a weapon that takes on skill to use but some players have learned how to...
Blockade armor only protects the sides of the sunderer, so put the C4 UNDERNEATH the sunderer. This will set it on fire like normal. [Sorry, had to...
Heh, if you spend gold on one flare gun you only unlock it for that faction (it's not treated like a NS weapon). Milk it, SoE.
Separate names with a comma.