hey arnt you the base builder guy? think ive tried blowing up your bases a few times now lol "dirtygrampa"
...and you all thought i was dead :cool: << i remember a guy who use to use these all the time :)
i dont even know how to play this damn game anymore...bump?
In the words of our good friend blackweb
do i even have to say anything....apparently not you guys covered just about everything lol. oh just for the record gantry my K/D is sooooooooo...
Gantry you kind of sound like my 98 year old grandmother bless her heart nagging over the phone about who and how and when her rhubarb is getting...
launch pad wasnt working for me earlier so i buggered off to the local sheep farm and inhaled deeply through my nostrils, then yelled "THATS THE...
you could also throw me an invite in game and i could get you into the outfit....but I like to interrogate and ask the most random questions with the...
noooooooooo tis meeeeee silly. oh and btw its nice to see you again razzyman look forward to running with ya.
guessssss whooooossss baaaccckkkkkk guyssss !!!!! :eek:
My jar of tr and vs tears is running dry...sad face :( oh yeah and f that bw guy
"Outfit thread" ice my ps2 trigger fingers are getting itchy for some pew pew pew
a well needed 3 day forum vacation puts us RCN6 at the top of the list :D
thank god NC waterson has PHX otherwise we wouldnt know what to do.
timytowne potp is a great outfit to join just picture mitharin as "NINJA" and me as "YO LANDIE" in this video while playing planetside 2 in the...
always an open spot here at RCN6 - Recon team six for you or anyone interested in organized operations/casual play. We also like to have joint...
your more than welcome to come check us out here at RCN6 on the NC. always looking for good support squad members, add me totalBimbo as a friend...
video update of some more squad play last night [media]
check us out Darkopeter here at RCN6 - Recon Team Six on the waterson server. We welcome anyone who is interested in actual team play at the squad...
almost 400 members!!! keep fighting the good fight guys.
Separate names with a comma.