I was able to play at 50-60fps for one whole day before the massive stuttering came back. Please fix this soon.
I think my shotgun has 95% accuracy or some crazy number. It looks legit to me.
You have to be logged in in order to gain resources. If you log in, look at your resources, and then log out in disgust, you won't be getting...
Not being able to fight for it has really turned me off to playing TR on Waterson. I may just break down and roll a VS, and hopefully others will as...
I've been dropped onto territory that the TR weren't even fighting for. It was the middle of NC and VS territory. It's a useless feature as it is.
Don't worry. These TR are from Mattherson... ...And they're terrible. They consistently have 60% pop in fights and still lose now. I see many,...
This game makes you take your lumps before you finally understand it. Finding an outfit run squad will usually soften the blow, as you'll have...
So the Battle Islands will be outfit fights? I hope Hossin comes out sooner than that, since I'd like a piece of new turf to fight on, too! I'm not...
I've noticed that when actually playing TR, I will not kill the target 80% of the time unless he's already been fighting. And that's if the missiles...
The cell shaded effect looked the best.
I like sniping. It's fun. I'm sorry that you don't like sniping, but I can't really do anything about that. You can TK me all you want. I'll...
I'd settle for a check box to allow a third person to control the turret. I'd actually start certing into the MBT if I could be a dedicated...
If there were BFRs, I'd prefer them to be the teamwork variant over the flight capable ones. Making them require teamwork to live would very much...
I don't honestly see a problem with this. They need more TR and NC on Mattherson, so why not force new players to either roll TR or NC? It balances...
They should redesign some bases to act more like ones from Planetside 1 and introduce them to PS2 to see if this makes the game more fun....
Why not just show a bit of purple on the VS armor and call it done? It can't be that difficult to change it to something a little more reasonable....
I use the extended mag and soft point bullets. I don't find the laser dot to add enough to justify having it over more bullets to spew at enemies....
Unless I'm up in the ZoE's face with a shotgun/rocket launcher, I find it's mostly dependent on luck and having teammates around. If I'm by myself,...
Hurray fourth faction. That's the true culprit in these population issues. I vote to get the lengthy timer whenever you switch factions, forcing...
Separate names with a comma.