Enforcer and Saron both only have 300 m/s velocity and they both respectfully have a drop and COF penalty. They should have their velocity increased...
After reading a little bit about the new mineral deposits and players using ANT's to mine this resource, to build structures, I think it would be...
I have been an advocate for changing the redeploy rules, to help stem the tide of redeploy side for a long while now and I think most of the changes...
I love the idea of buffing vehicles, but....Where are the vehicle objectives? I think the biggest issue is that players in vehicles want to...
SOE obviously is looking for ways to increase revenue. I think pretty much all of us agree the current method of adding implants and tweaking the...
Well done SOE...I think you nailed the spitfire on the head... I've read a few of the complaints about the Spitfire turret and I think they are...
Tried the Striker out in VR last night and I like it for the most part. #1. Anti-Air - The Striker is going to be a beast vs ESF & Valkyries and...
Overall, I think the Valkyrie is pretty good, but it needs some tweaks. First and form most the Valkyrie is meant to get in, drop off troops and get...
My idea is simple and it kills two birds with one stone... Create a Black-market, that allows players to purchase other factions weapons for...
Logistics needs to matter, the current redeploy system almost completely removes the need for logistics. If a base is being over run, its not an...
In my opinion there are basically two things that can be added to this game that would completely change the dynamics and interactions between...
So, you bought the Dalton for its AV capabilities And then you bought the zephry for its AI Capabilities Now, that the Zephry is being changed to a...
First off...If you are not bringing in friendly Air to fight for Air superiority above your ground troops...You are doing it wrong, I do not care...
Ground vehicles should have an equivalent hard hitting counter to Liberators & Galaxies, but it should require Skill, Coordination and cost similar...
Yes, this is the #1 self-reported gameplay reason why players quit our game currently, dying "randomly". A unsettlingly large number of new players...
I read many threads about making bases impervious or immune to vehicles, let me tell you that is a mistake and it would take away from the game and I...
The 15s timer to spawn timer into undeployed AMS & G-AMS is way too short and needs to be 5 minutes. You know what this feels like, it feels likes...
In the revised design of the implant system, implants are still consumable, however, they now are generated based on in-game activities such as...
We had an impressive fire fight with tanks, Aircraft and infantry battling it out the other night between Crimson Bluff and the Palisade. Here is a...
The main issues with the AV-mana turret, is that it has incredible range, hits hard, has unlimited ammo and in many cases it doesn't render, making...
Separate names with a comma.