I say this with love: You are an idiot.
And this: [IMG] Logic, SOE. Get some.
I don't understand the link between the NC and Seattle hard rock band Soundgarden. Please advise :P
Insultingly awful reloading animations. Nauseating recycling of old weapon parts to make utterly generic looking 'new' weapons which are then put...
I feel you, and yeah, the reloading animations in this game are horrendously bad.
No big developer I've encountered so far does absent-mindedness quite like SOE. I don't get the impression that there is much passion behind...
This bothers the hell out of me. I wonder if it was a shortcut or if the dev team is just *that* absent minded.
PS2 is pants.
I agree with the person who said REAL BASES. PS2's bases fill me with a deep sadness. They are SO bad.
No it isn't -.- Planetside isn't "any FPS game". How can you not see that? If all people cared about was having fun shooting people then why...
You're an idiot and your attitude is utterly counter-productive.
meta meta meta meta...
That's not at all how C4 works you clueless person... C4 wouldn't even ding a heavily armoured vehicle. BS. Tank drivers can't do anything of...
Not as much of a joke as SOE's own cosmetics. The players are doing a demonstrably better job than the game's own devs, what with thematically...
32 + 32 = 64 [IMG]
I've been wondering why BF2 was such a seminal moment in FPS history for me, and I think you've managed to sum it up really accurately here....
SOE is so ******* PC it's beyond a joke. You know you're dealing with a bunch of PC-n4zi's when your post gets deleted for trying to correct Stew's...
Must agree. It seems they really don't use their brains a lot of the time. Content and changes seem to be thoughtlessly pumped out. I wonder if...
Separate names with a comma.