MOAR ORGANIZATION When I run with my outfit, we don't care about Banshee Farms, or Raven Spam. We deal with it. Skyguard(s)/Bursters for the former...
For those that haven't heard NC's taunt, its Liberty or Death Someone tell me if the devs have clarified this, but it sounds an awful lot like a...
Why have they started popping up all of a sudden? Sure, Striker is still bad, but your whole arsenal isn't just Striker. I haven't really looked at...
Whenever faction traits get brought up. NC and TR seem to naturally assume that VS weapons are more accurate. Any probing into the matter is met by a...
First off, this is not some "Striker OP thread". Striker needed buffs. However, the immediate buffs set a pretty scary precedent. The Problem?...
Titan-150 HEAT | KPH | Daily Average: 18.60 P2-120 HEAT | KPH | Daily Average: 22.85 Supernova PC | KPH | Daily Average: 18.21 3400 - Supernova PC...
[media] Its old, yes, but most of the ideas hold water. Higby pls.
VKPH for Ravens, Vortex, and Fractures Right Arm VKPH for R, V, and F Left Arm Average BR for Ravens, Vortex, and Fractures Playtime for R, V, and F... VS has least alerts won, but highest alert score...... Interesting.... Think what you will, but if your going to say that this...
1.Orion is a much more accurate LMG Google Spreadsheet As you can see, Orion's recoil is only slightly better (.025) than Carv, supposedly the...
You have done our glorious faction a great service. Through your ESAI weaponry abuse, the other cowardly factions no longer wish to fight us....
Well, I'm waiting around for a sale of one of these, so I'm looking into which one to buy. All feedback is welcome. Thanks
Whenever I play engineer to resuply and repair, I always feel that my cert gain is not as high as it would be if I were farming revives, which take...
War... War never changes..... Seriously. Even though technology is dramatically diminishing the advantage of numerical superiority, it still...
As a Lib pilot, I never Tank bust anymore. Its a huge risk when I could just hang and spam with Dalton. I only use TB on Sunderers and Harassers now....
From my point of view, it certainly looks like the devs are pushing to make all VS weapons have heat mechanic. First, Higby mentions it (I'm not 100%...
Currently, there is no place for threads that pertain to the actual forum (improving it etc.). Yes, you could post threads along this topic in the...
Disclaimer: I do not think that Pump Action Shotguns are OP, nor Shotguns in general. The title says it all. Pump Action Shotguns have all the... PPA has a 3.392 KDR Banshee has a 4.589 KDR Not saying that Banshee is better, just bringing up...
Egos. Players want to believe that they are the best of the best, and when they do well, everything is fine. However, when they do bad, there...
Separate names with a comma.