if that's the case then why is Mattherson the only American server where Vanu are the undisputed top dog?
i love sniping lockdown maxes with my phoenix, <3
single best outfit on the Terran Republic. Much respect from the NC
lol, love it. Nerf long overdue.
as stated, People are leaving Mattherson TR in droves because they only play when they can win, and that leaves the casuals who want a fun fight to...
if Vanu's lasers don't melt through things. What makes you think Rail Guns will help you?
it's getting torn apart soon enough, that extra 10% armor debuff is going to turn it into trash that people will only use with the vortexes at...
wut dis game needs is fishes to hunt and dogs to tame and dragonzz, lotsa dragon.
:rolleyes: and TR never cap continents. Why? They don't even try because they know they'll fail, and they know they'll fail because they don't...
Phoenix is awesome, why u guys hating? Though it's pretty frustrating when a lockdown TR max snipes it out of the air. That's like -_-
Yes yes, we all know your opinion there Terran Sympathizer :p a win is a win, and Vanu win a lot while the Terran win the least. Pretty funny...
Literally the best group of talent on Mattherson. If you enjoy the game as a game and not a psuedo-military masochistic fetish, then this is the...
Thank the derp that i got Auraxium Medal on this thing before this nerf. That was painful enough. Why the bloody hell would i want lower splash...
TR are just a big ball of anger right now due to their impotence. They aren't taking steps to correct it, they're flocking to the forums to complain....
it's the truth :/
Not even at all. They do it against the NC too, As soon as we approach equal numbers they run away with their tails between their legs. I'm...
maybe 3 months ago, not currently.
someone is lying to try to make a point XD Vortex are only good because of ZOE, without ZOE they are the weakest long range AV options available..
Admittedly subjective, but wholly accurate from NC's point of view.
resistance decrease is going to be beyond fatal. You wait and see. it's basically going to only be used to move around now, turned off as soon as...
Separate names with a comma.