The SAW S isn't a bad choice, consider it as a longer distance variant of the EM6. Just like the GD-22S to the Anchor that slight loss of fire rate...
I will say one thing about NC's faction balance; whenever it comes to organized pushes on the infantry side of things the NC have a distinct...
VS are full of tryhards (especially from the useOrionlmao days). TR are half-half tryhards. NC are mostly just living free. Didn't we also...
I don't think there's really much you can do to change the balancing of Air versus Ground interactions because the primary air attackers ESFs are...
I think the best thing about the Black Hand is the totally normal looking hammer, which along with the non-obese front end makes it look quite nice....
Technically the Desperado uses what you suggest; a faster cyclic rate with a delay between bursts to lower the effective fire rate. It does prove...
That has been changed since the dynamic reticule update. Since they all now function as if they were reflex or holographic sights, that old problem...
A heat mechanic for a TR belt-fed weapon would work. Since you wouldn't have unlimited ammo, the heat bar would need to be much longer to be fair but...
I would do it as such: Prowler Burst Autocannon - 3 shot burst, very fast cyclic rate for vehicle cannon (400 RPM?) - 2 shots deal less damage than...
4 barrels is boring and overdone. If you have to make something new, follow Ukitakumuki's original concept for the Prowler and give it a burst-fire...
Still waiting for a proper support LMG, handgun and battle rifle from NS. Hell, just tart up any of the Glock models with white paint and some LEDs...
I think that it should be option 1. The whole reason you would make a magazine-fed rocket launcher is to increase the explosive output, not deliver...
The chevron scopes need work. They are way too fat to make meaningful use of. It is not possible to use the lower chevrons for drop compensation...
We'll manage. I don't use a tank very often, but I've seen enough to know how the game is really played by real people, especially by people who...
<10 meters - Hipfire Hero 11 <> 40 - Short 41 <> 100 - Medium 101 <> 200 - Long 201 <> 500 - Quick, switch to pajamas mode! The approximate 100...
I don't think tank cannon velocities should get any lower, they're painfully slow as it is. If tanks are going to be able to keep moving at speed and...
Because VS. You seriously have to ask this question? Also because VS tend to have all the MLG top piltos, so their little across-the-map excursions...
I came here to tell VS that they are all complete T-Rays.
[Suggestion] Make light bloom at night less obnoxious and blinding. [Suggestion] Also add more night sight options. More iron sights, more glowy iron...
The Carnage BR used to have a long barrel that made it look really distinct from the GR-22 even if the body was much more similar back then. The form...
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