edited new drivers fixedthis issue
the reticle on the mini chain gun (and infact all shotguns for this matter) cause an fps drop still it happens randomly after you've been...
I have been complaining at them for weeks about this and they wont even acknowledge theres a problem with it. its still there SOE and it still...
Reading is not your friend either is it? work will never be finished on this game if they want it to last 10years+ waiting in a long queue? then go...
infantry will always out number tanks 10:1 if not more organisation>zerg as for air they weas ment to deter other air not farm the ground tank...
why waste time and resoruces on this when they could be fixing and improveing the game.silly idea you wanna race? go play F1.
tanks are in a good place now with all the AV and the extra AV added there viable now.wanna blow up tanks? pull AP rounds there devastateing to tanks...
I like this new change,if a tanks on a hill it will fire in an arc and hit the tank far more reliably
120fps with both GTX 580 cards in sli mode at 100% load in warpgate something seems clearly amiss here
something is still amiss as I never see 125 fps in any kind of fight I have run a registery cleaner latest drivers for everything I feel robbed atm!
all the values that are 5 asre actually setting them back down too medium you only need to change texture quality to "0" to get the ultra...
243 fps im really really shocked hes got it so high and I cap out at a lot less with a more powerfull system
70fps on one card and its at 100% load ive tried all those settings im just dumbfounded at how high your fps is
I have a fresh windows 7 install a better cpu i7 3770k@4.6ghz sli gtx 580's 16 gig ram and ultra settings I only pull 140fps max at warp gate...
2 xeons? oh god what fps do you get on that baby?
they are extremely over priced for what you pay for, the hardware they use isent exactly the best either your paying for the name "alienware" that's...
STOP do not buy alienware its junk I had a m17 and it was horrible.look at these there better tbh....
so basicly just set everything on high lighting =2 for cloud shadows and increase render quality too look better and 0 texture quality did I...
Harasser: From what I exerpainced of it this is the fist vehicle that's has the "cool" factor in it 1 driver 1 gunner 1 rumble seat(how it should be...
a bit too big the width is fine but the chunkieness of them needs to be toned down a bit there useless unless you place them on hills where tanks...
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