Your current design of Skydock won't work in the lattice system. How Every Skydock Fight Plays Out Defenders load up the landing pads with a ton of...
Sitting inside an AI Phalanx turret at the west substation of Dahaka while 40 enemy infantry ~20-40m away run right across the road like sheep and...
So, on Mattherson 90+% of my duels are ending in mutual death and I'm not talking a simultaneous death. This is me murdering a guy, but instead of...
Not because its too hard to attack. Not because you can exploit it by placing Sunderers upstairs. But because the game engine simply cannot handle...
So the current state of the server I am on. These are not land control percentages, but rather faction population percentages. Indar ------- TR:...
Just started playing MAX and noticed something when I was going around capturing a few bases. 2 friendlies + me in my MAX suit standing on a point....
Been getting a lot of crashes since the game went live (had no crashes during Beta). The culprit: PhysX3Common_x86.dll The crashes are completely...
Massive battle at Eisa Tech Plant, but no one on offense has the slightest clue how to take it instead its just one massive team death match scrum....
Separate names with a comma.