Most of you spreadsheet warriors should go in game and actually use the weapon for like 25 hours or more same for the annhilator and than make...
The matter that you gonna hit more or less is based on recoil and Velocity. Thus yet again theoretical TTK is ********. Most people dont even...
I play medic and get some KPH but i get like 40k xp more. LOOOOOOOL Its called aim. The LMG by far are the ****tiest guns if you compare them to...
Cause headshotting is as or even more important to kill people. Theoratical TTK is ******** in the eyes of pretty much every good player. As...
With HV ammo the bull is a medium ranged headshotting machine. Its one of the best LMG's right now. Its magazine size is compensated for with the...
If you put in half a clip of most weapons esp if you come from behind and get atleast a headshot or 2 he will be death OR you missed half off...
Tanks aren't hard to use and get kills with neither are battle gals and libs. With the amount of resources and realising your with 2 people so...
If OP thinks are so broken and feels so strongly about 1 shots being op. He has 3 shotguns and 2 explosives in his top 6 used weapons. Nuff said
don't forget anything else that can easly no brain one shot. So thats everysingle vehicle in the game.
So please explain why not nerf maxes and shotguns both require no skill. All the facts you say that makes a HA player "op" is also on the max....
Separate names with a comma.