Why is there no button under the decals like other classes? I cannot access the certs for this class as I cannot find a button that takes me to their...
I have been getting a green flickering screen in the character selection as well as on certain parts of the loading screen. The weapons on my...
I edit my user options for performance and one of the settings I change is RenderFlora. I set it to RenderFlora=Off instead of RenderFlora=On. Each...
Thank you, Vanu scum! ^_^
Seeing how I have put in $0.00, a small price to xfer is no big deal. As long as it is small.
Beacons are nice in concept, but since I cannot spawn on beacons for another month they sort of lose purpose for me. :(
Yeah, it is nice when they screw up minutes for days.
I cannot spawn on any spawn beacon as it says 23d remaining. Very weird. It has been like this for about a week now.
Waterson TR Unknown Soldiers - FPS dedicated clan since 2004 Visit us at: www.unkso.com Follow the link and click on the Join Now across the...
None of the graphical settings make a difference for my framerate. I generally play at around 20-30 FPS in huge battles and around 30-35 in small...
They definitely forgot to add textures. Everyone in my squad was there and everyone made a comment on it.
I totally agree that having a good framerate is key to improving your aim. I am playing consistently at around 20-35 FPS which allows me to at least...
bump ^_^
We are big fans of "hurry up and wait" ^_^
I've only noticed this issue since earlier this week (post-patch I want to say). I have run into 2 instances where my squad's sunderer disappeared...
If you are looking for a tight-knit group of tactically-oriented players check out Unknown Soldiers. Applying is easy. Simply go to our website:...
I've been hacked before on WoW and whoever used my account had hacks since I was banned and got an email about it. As long as SOE handles things...
This would make sense when vehicles are low and just hovering over a base....but then again so would a simple rocket but not everyone likes playing...
Those are great suggestions and interesting that you target the amount of players as the factor instead of simply the size/importance of the...
Separate names with a comma.