Why is there no button under the decals like other classes? I cannot access the certs for this class as I cannot find a button that takes me to their...
I have been getting a green flickering screen in the character selection as well as on certain parts of the loading screen. The weapons on my...
I edit my user options for performance and one of the settings I change is RenderFlora. I set it to RenderFlora=Off instead of RenderFlora=On. Each...
I cannot spawn on any spawn beacon as it says 23d remaining. Very weird. It has been like this for about a week now.
I've only noticed this issue since earlier this week (post-patch I want to say). I have run into 2 instances where my squad's sunderer disappeared...
I can log into the forums and website (obviously) but just a few minutes ago I cannot log into the game. It processes my information for awhile and...
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