God damn, if you guys think the terrible *********** that is VS today is snowballing the server you would have put a gun to your head during the...
This seems like as good of a spot as any to post this. Effective immediately, your characters have been removed from GOKU and FRZA. TKing...
Emerald Vanu are not white knights in this whatsoever. The TR and NC tend to be pretty stupid about the three faction concept and trying to...
Well, given what I've seen out of the NC in past months, I would say at this point that a major alliance couldn't possibly hurt any more than the...
I make ingame examples for others to follow - use of ingame chat is a gigantic pain in the *** for me. We occasionally do run an open squad...
Lets not beat around the bush on this, even during primetime the general strategy of most of this game's statistical elite is to play to their...
You GREATLY underestimate the pops that TE generally ran with back in the heyday. It's peaks during their weekday ops nights were 16 squads for...
Individual VS player skill is HIGHLY overrrated here. There may have/may have been more BR100s on VS than prior, but I disagree that they're just...
So, I was just part of an early morning Esamir alert that started off with 35/32/33 populations that probably around 500 players involved. VS started...
For the most part, NC just needs active leadership to point it in the right direction so people just stop falling on their faces. I was playing alt...
Lets go NC/TR. If you feel that you need that double team feeling to cut down the Vanu...do it. As much as I'd ever love to help out NC, seeing...
Lets get down to the important question, are they recruiting?
What? Is that you Pat? Are you back???
So, since you're throwing out random accusations of incompetence without any particularly worthwhile example as of why, I'm going to comment on...
I have a hunch this person is not actually from NNG, but yeah .NNG do beat our outfit averages in accuracy so I'm hereby announcing an outfit...
Mattherson VS has made some pretty dumb calls lately from the experience I've had playing against them. On 2/2 recent nights I've played on TR, VS...
Ah Wisdomcube. Wisdomcube is decently competent at the strategic game, but doesn't have a very successful way of presenting his case for doing...
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of Grandpa Vanu's praises as we exterminate the other factions.
As much as I would enjoy the tears of Waterson as they're forced to march to Mattherson, it is not their time yet.
To be fair, Wisdomcube does have some basic concepts that NC should consider every now and then. However, he falls into the same trap that I see...
Separate names with a comma.