i played NSO for a while as Main-Char and i feel that i get punished for that desicion. I have less weapons to choose from, like ther is no basic...
ich bin ein planetside 2 Rückkehrer und habe meinen TR char gelöscht um einen nanite System opperative mit meinem namen spielen kann. daher suche...
[IMG] the enemy see this too and i see this at enemy cloaker - dont know wa way to fix
we had the idea to cert helmet optics for max. max get optics for helmet slot (not custom helmets) like zoom or termal but permanent - cant disable...
the anti personal mines from vanu "proximity mine" and the nc version "bouncing betty" are both flat but the TR version not you can see it from far...
its possible if i use claymore as utility and if then i choose the turret -> press b -> i have my ammo supply pack and can deploy it i think the...
i think we need a special bug report forum decals dont work with composite armor the decal will not show on character becouse the armor is over the...
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