Great explanation, and fair suggestions as well. This is something I'd love to see implemented (and if the vehicle art changes on PTS are...
There are quite a few good TR outfits on Ceres available. Some of them are pretty competitive, whereas others are a bit more casual. Note that some...
Source? Not sure if the Recruitment system is gone entirely, but it's been in 'maintenance mode' for a really long time now. It just seems kind...
Some official statement about this would be nice. I personally wouldn't mind them selling those items: the original recruiters received them for free...
The hardest challenges for me are keeping the game interesting enough for all participating outfit members, as well as finding enough people to...
Stop whining about free stuff already.
This is not an off-prime time issue: even during prime time the NC has around 40-45% population on Ceres (and from what I've heard on other servers...
So... what is wrong with syru-... Ceres?
I'd be very grateful if someone were to upload a few screenshots of the new upcoming cosmetics! (For those of us not using the PTS...)
Because we're not all lone-wolfing selfish jerks that focus strictly on the amount of certs we can earn within a certain amount of time. Sometimes in...
Great, can't wait to see those NC banana tanks driving around.
I agree with the OP on all points. It seems to me the dev team took a wrong turn somewhere along the road of development. Planetside 2 should be a...
I'm just going to 'bump' this thread, as my outfit members cannot buy certain camos this way. Any official word on this would be great (even if it...
Loads of people. I get 60 fps during small fights (v-sync enabled), 40-60 during medium-large fights, 30-40 during huge fights. I have an i7...
That was one heck of a party.
He's become an icon of Ceres. Love him or hate him, but you can't deny he's become one of the most (in)famous characters on the server.
These comparisons are quite good, but you only compare one type of weapon (Assault Rifle), which can only be used by one specific class (Medic). It...
Let's not derail the discussion, people. The main discussion point here is: the doubt of the pro-arguments of the 'rush lanes'-system. Also, a note...
E.g. resources or specific vehicles one can only get at a nearby location.
Separate names with a comma.