A Developer can come in and tell me I'm wrong but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they cannot re-do all of the models as much as everyone...
Several people I'm playing with (including myself) keep getting disconnected randomly from Mattherson
It's not constantly but sometimes I'll push M to look at the map and then it's *CRASH* I tried the new revolver today walked away from the weapon...
Basically if you login when a red alert is happening all of your friends/outfit members are already at the red alert continent. You can't get there...
https://twitter.com/mhigby/status/315906937785032704 "@MHStopNerfingVS@jaquefroid Lancer will be getting some range/charge time buffs and hopefully...
Parked in my Sundy for about 3 minutes teammates spawning in. 100% healthy then YOU'VE BEEN KILLED BY TANK MINES. SOE needs to make it so you...
For every 1 Megabyte of the Patch it takes about 30 seconds. If i just re-install PS2 from scratch can I avoid this patching process?
Separate names with a comma.