If the winner is meaningless then why bother to change it? It wont get cancelled.. it cant be reliably changed. So... you just have to suck it up...
I can see why you are saying that.. but The last 2 times they have tried to change the score system mid event it has led to an auto win for...
Luperza, I am aware that you didnt personally come up with the scoring system so dont take this as a personal attack. But SOE has screwed up...
Ok looks like I managed to resolve this myself but after trying alot of things I eventually resolved this with a FUll system restore to the 25th Dec....
I was going to write shell updater but must have mistyped.. and you cant edit a thread title.. Anyway I have been playing planetside since beta.....
Hi there Im getting an odd error On launching the game Im getting a box saying launchpad shell installing updates then the main window pops up...
I think I can answer that. Northern Indar seems to be the answer. Its the place I like to fight most (and I will fight through other places to...
Things to do: 1 Buy a microphone. (even a cheap one from poundland) communication is everything and it means you can ask questions 2 Find an outfit....
Personally I think that more deployables from PS1 should be included in PS2. Sure people will complain that an auto turret is a 'zero skill weapon'...
Ah I stand corrected then.. there was me trying to search the official forums for official announcements
you asked: No not flashy or neon but bigger brighter and in an arguably more annoying place. Dont rage when people answer your questions. (PS...
No but on the prowler they decided to put a big cluster of red lights on the tanks weakpoint.. you know for the convenience of enemy ESF pilots.
Call me a conspiracy nutter but could big faction coloured stripes on MBT's be a prelude to allowing vehicle hacking by infiltrators?
You have my condolences. Thats 1k certs you wont see again. Irrespective of the conclusions of this thread take a warning; Do not waste certs...
Thank you for clarifying that. That might work. Certainly its a strong enough idea to be tried on the test server. My misgivings remain but that...
Well as a relatively experienced prowler driver I dont see a reason to use the HE turret under any circumstances. Its top of my list of things...
Shermenator.. I dont want it... So take your silly video and shove it where the sun dosen't shine :P
Mercy isn't stock.. but I get your point. As to the OP.. Spin-up time is a pretty huge downside. The HA has fired his rocket before you even fire...
Dude thats just rude IMO they should keep the damage as is and increase the splash radius.. by a large margin for all HE cannons
That data is badly referenced and It seems to imply its drawn from one server. Post an analysis of how the numbers vary between servers and you might...
Separate names with a comma.