What do you think about Combine harvester attachment for Harasser and Flash as a Anti Infantrie Weapon? [IMG]
New Construction Item: "Small Bride" to place them between two rocks/hills New Construction Item: "stairs or ladder" to place them on...
How about with a sword / Laser Sword optional the sword on the flash available and on the third seat on the haraser for the infantry
Game is closed Start the game Miller is not available (but many population) ...east coast usa is free to join ???
Valkyrie: pilot-controlled video rocket fire system like the Phoenix- Rocket Launcher System. Example: The UD-6 Talon from BF 2142
Sunderer: Ejecting assault pods and EMP weapon like The AMV-2 Groundhog from Battlefield 2142 [IMG]
Valkyrie: pilot-controlled video rocket fire system with the Phoenix- Rocket Launcher System from the heavy assault. Example: The UD-6 Talon from BF...
Suggestion-please move to the Wishlist Ejecting assault pods and EMP weapon (like The AMV-2 Groundhog from Battlefield 2142) for the Sunderer [IMG]
I have insufficient privileges to post in threat Roadmap/Wishlist...very smart...a wishlist for the devs
If I leave the car I'm suddenly 20m in the air and fall to the ground
The New Sniper Rifles, when they come? in this video they say 19.02.2014, is this true ??? Youtube: PlanetSide 2: Game Update - New weapons +...
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