NC has two now, Atleast give the other empires one and before you say no, lol
i don't know if you were aware but all your shotguns were buffed, all of them, tighter pellet spreaad across board :) you can OHK with a pump now...
Implants about to hit live servers, if you're not an experienced player all i can say is [media]
VS: [media] Electronic, Fits with spandex, Badass NC: TBF i like the NCs theme it's way better than Vaynews and TR, I'd think something...
Medikits- i like them as they are now but i should be able to give them to someone else Restokits - only gives 75% of health back from 0HP but gives...
Take away SMGS give Carbines will take away cqc ability and give them an abit better all rounder - or- give us akimbo with secondaries the only...
If there are more of a certain vehicle in a hex you're taxed on the sunderer or whatever vehicle be it from 5% too 100% so it will completely ruin...
Everyone was talking about a valk with 2 flak maxes, ever considered a valk with two barons with explosive slugs? wouldn't that be just as hardcore
[media] Y vanu and tr no have shotguns and Y no nc have gauss rifles for max? y? y u do dis
They did the Jackhamma Not hard to make a Chaingun but the lasher? like srsly? I'm expecting a commie on a commie on a commie on a commie to form...
[media] Something along the lines of this, futuristic, militarian, and you wouldn't want to Higby with them. Compared to there violins, i...
Have you guys tried the Baron on PTS? it's so much like the jackhammer only difference is this has 5m less drop off and 1 extra pellet. ngl i am vanu...
1:16 this with stalker cloak would actually make it worth it if i'm going to pay 7 pounds for something it better be good...
from your experiences as an infiltrator? i play on ultra with 7k render distance and all that unnecessary gibber jabber what about you?
I'm going to go empire specific set ups here, not including empire specific pistols because a seasoned heavy knows to use a commie. (Not including VS...
Doesn't nerf libs but nerfs you camo, really? really? give me my sc back
6 months? really soe, really?
ESFS are our only problem know Racer Chassis - Makes us Faster - Nulling the slow disadvantage Blockade - Nerfs C4 - Nulling the C4... 1:40 - 2:00 Me and The guy in the video have an outfit do you think him and me are good enough :)
Separate names with a comma.