I've noticed that when people call for nerfs/buffs on the forums or reddit, they tend to base their views around 1v1 or vacuum engagements. For...
For those of you who didn't watch Elysium, and don't know what a Raven is: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] What role it would fill: - 8 man troop transport. -...
I'm not here to argue with you, I'm here to give you a simple tip: Give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume that someone killed you because...
I was formerly the leader of a medium sized Outfit, and one of the big issues with members who were still new players was that they lacked certs. In...
My question to VS players: From my understanding, with the exception of being slightly slower when sprinting, the ZOE is pretty much identical...
I believe it said something along the lines of "Spawn beacons can no longer be deployed in base walls". Is this right?
After just over a year of playing this game and grinding through to BR 94, I finally decided that Sunday would mark the last day Planetside remained...
Like AceRimmer aka KILLFACE has said, the UCA has been totally inactive the past few weeks (months?). I'd like to rekindle some interest by having a...
2 of my main gripes with the game right now. I can't alt-tab to change channels in TS3 without crashing 50% of the time. It's absurd, and I've lost...
After watching the TIW vs FC community clash, I realized that there was a lot of complaining about faction strengths. So why not make an NS faction...
Just wondering what guns other NC players would choose if they were restricted to three for the rest of their time in Planetside. If I were to choose...
Am I the only one who has been crashing a lot? It varies widely. Sometimes I can play for 30 minutes without crashing, other times I crash every 5...
My name on Connery used to be GeorgeWBushTRON, it's been that way since the beginning, but apparently, this name is "political" and has caused some...
I'll be straight up: I don't want this to happen. A change in the factor from 8 to 2 is pretty bad. We’re also trying out a change to the lift...
Esamir used to be the haven for tank battles, but the new base designs have taken that away. However, as an infantryman, I see the new designs as a...
My squads run pre-attack sweeps on major bases before attacks and I've noticed that since the inclusion of no-deploy zones, one of our mainstay...
I fly a hell of a lot on Connery and have been encountering the flak bug a lot as well. My question is, is killing an AA turret, Skyguard, or AA Max...
I've seen a lot of posts saying "X server is more skilled than Y server". My question is, how does one go about figuring that out? Are there stats or...
I'm loving PS2 at the moment, but there are two things that bother me quite a bit, and both are mentioned in the title. I'll make this short and...
I've lost way too many Reavers due to this nonsense. I literally lose all ability to even control the game because I drop to 2 fps. Perhaps fixing...
Separate names with a comma.