As above - the white stripe that is ubiquitous on medic-class helmets (that has the red symbol on it) seems broken in GU11. Just a big, grey,...
As above - currently, medic is the only class that can use the assault rifle. Given the role of HA as, well, 'heavy assault', it would seem that an...
Some of the best times in PS2 I've had so far have been in small squad engagements - watchtowers or checkpoint caps where a single squad was...
Obviously, we know that no automated anti-hack system is 100% foolproof, but the point isn't to put one thing into place, then have the mods go...
If you haven't seen them in footage from battlefields - basically, mortar-scale versions of this thing are used to illuminate night fighting....
As above - as a long (long, loooooong) time Tribes player, I really liked the LA + underbarrel grenade combo, as it provided a bit of that 'shoot a...
It's cool that vehicles get two different night vision options (at very different cost, of course), but infantry only has one at the moment......
EVERY other class/armor has an 'F' function. Infiltrator - cloak Light assault - jet pack (basically, anyway - it uses the same 'F'-function wheel)...
So I've already brought one of my rifles up to the 'Auraxium' medal level, and have two others well into gold - about halfway there. I get that...
To keep with the team-focused aspect of it, it would probably work best if this "laser designator" was a 'utility' item available to all classes...
So I'm leveling up my medic, to the point where I need to decide if I want to drop the huge pile of cert points on the 'revive' grenade. It'll be...
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