The one thing I love most about Derp is that regardless of what goes down in RL, Derp is still here. Regardless of what it is that causes me to step...
Ready.... Set....... [IMG]
LMAO Mith this is hilarious!
FLYING Sundy!!! :eek: [IMG]
My favorite part! We also do ATV and Harasser races. :) [IMG]
Hey MaliciousIntentions! Welcome to Waterson!! You're free to come just play and hang out with us to see if we're a fit, no obligation to join. We...
Haha it's totally a sign! Join Vanu! - We have cookies. ;)
Too close to enemy lines!! lol [IMG]
How we roll. [IMG]
Hey thepackett! I'm in an outfit called Derp Company and I think it'd be a perfect fit for you! We are a casual and fun outfit. We offer weekly...
Hey Zephrius! Welcome to the dark side! Technically, the purple side but we still have cookies. Anyways, my name is Otilita (aka Daire) and I'm a...
Our very own SovietPyro showing off some video editing skills. [media]
If you're curious about us and want to see how we play, but don't want to apply just yet - Fear not! Come and play with us to see what we're all...
More derping around. [media]
Hey Kestla! Welcome to Planetside 2! I'm Daire and I'm part of an outfit called Derp Company. We are a fun and casual group with no time...
Just a few clips put together from some of our after op D3RP Games. =D Credit to Blindbil. [media]
D3RP! One Year And Counting! [IMG]
Hello Derpythecow! First off, I just have to say that your name is awesome! Anyways, I'm Daire and I'm in an outfit called Derp Company. I can't...
Hey! Check out what some current Derp members have said about their experiences with Derp. -Scorpomancer - TyWebb -Symbyosys...
Separate names with a comma.