EM4Longshot is your friend, i have not issues with long range sniping 200-400 meters most of the time OHSK, you can see my stats and see my first...
feel the Force Luke.....:) It depends on the weapon you're using, if you use silencer or not, the scope you're using, many factors affect this...
I do not play sniper from less than 100 meters and have no problems killing players between that and 350 meters, never had a problem with that
I am a support player, that's why my KD is ****;)
Who are you to tell people how they should play?, who gave you the control and the absolute truth of things? Players pay or not, play like they...
LOL 100% true hahahahahaha
This is the ABC of fighting man, If you are not able to avoid that you're a really bad player, it's your fault, learn to play
First, K / D means nothing if you are having fun playing, well.... maybe always means nothing:) Second, depends on your play style, if you're a...
My stats: "slow play" and Mid/Long range Sniper 95% of my play time, I try to improve every day Kills: 4764 Assists: 852 Deaths: 980 K/D Ratio: 4.86...
Great vid seriously thx for share it
On that i will agree with you Champion calm down, it's just a game, I just use the tools and strategies that the game puts at my disposal,...
I play more slowly than you, i don't try to be better than other and don't care about that, i play for fun and my fun is spending most of my time...
Only you have to wacth at your back between 150/300 meters hehehe. Long range sniping behind enemy lines is a good way to do it, it's a dangerouse...
K/D is a meaningless stat, and it does not reflect the real player skill, but why remove it? they only have to add others stats like score/hour,...
Infiltrator/Sniper full time and defending most of the time http://www.planetside-universe.com/character.php?stats=karaperro
Heyy, un saludo, me alegro de que tengamos un clan grande en miller Me apunto la direccion y pasare a ver la web, aunque creo que seguire soleando,...
Wouldn't share sorry, i'm sure you understand why ;)
I have the same issue here:(
Separate names with a comma.