i kinda want, but what i would like is a transport vehicle, smaller and faster than sunderer, but bigger and thougher than a harasser. a squad size...
i don't have a huge problem with it, but one thing i am 100% against is the use of notifications to convey ads. this is akin to crying wolf, and will...
actually, the "IR smoke" available on vehicles are totally misleading. the name would imply that it actually launches IR smoke, which is a real...
i disagree. i think TKK is good where it is, and sometimes i even think it is too long. regardless, any longer would simply be frustrating imo, and i...
i would very much want vehicle loadout switching in the game.
since the canopies are quite large, relative to the model and compared to the liberator, i assume it will be smaller than the liberator. also, since...
the way i see it, it would easily be solved if it was tied to the redeploy / auto-repair mechanic; you need to have not taken damage in ~10s for...
yeah this is great and all, but as a EU citizen i feel like i am continuously being taunted by these announcements. its like showing me something...
just for the record, i disagree a bit. i consider the HA as shock/stock troops and the LA as commandos (close range fighting and ambushes). i do...
the weapon itself is fine, but the mag size is completely out of proportion. the NC canister get 8 shots, for comparison. i think somewhere in...
the vanguard lack the speed, mobility and DPS of the other factions. the shield mitigates this somewhat, giving a brief time to maneuver where other...
this isn't a [PSA], this is a rant. please do not abuse the tags.
i did not read the replies in the thread, so apologies if this is a repeat: the way i see it, infiltrators are not really too versatile but instead...
i really enjoy new amerish and i am very pleased with how it has turned out. in fact, i am so pleased with it that i hope the other continents (indar...
connery NC here. i find command chat very pleasant and useful.
please don't abuse the tags: you are not making a suggestion - you are asking for advice. [suggestion] is meant for making suggestions on possible...
i added together all total harasser kills too, post PU02, from this spreadsheet:...
you are correct on the last paragraph, i verified this in VR just now. in VR i also noticed the larger mag upgrade adds 20 extra rounds for a...
they were reverted back to how they used to be. i can say that earlier, when they used to be the current (small) size, i would run over a mine every...
now that i have thought some more about it, maybe biolabs could be given the "crown treatment": move a majority of the control points down to the...
Separate names with a comma.