Iv been gone for a few months (Perhaps July?) and am wondering what has changed. Have we gotten the fabled koltyr update yet? What else has changed?...
What is the difference between these two guns?
I updated the game, and now, EVERY Time I try and start it it goes to a white screen and says planetside 2 play client has stopped working.
I get into the game, and anywere from 1-5 minutes later, my game freezes and crashes. WTF Is going on?
What I want to know is how much dmg these things do to a max. When Im in my stalker with the carver, I Always get gunned down by the max units...
Can anyone help me pick out an LMG For my NC Heavy?
I got a left handed mouse for christmas, And I normally use right handed mouses in my left hand, so The right click ingame is ACTUALLY The left mouse...
Read title.
I want someone to dogfight Against on the PTS or something, (Would do it on norm server, but SoE would call it stat padding!) Im reletivly...
I bought one 25 pumpkin seed mask, and now i cant see any other 25 seed ones. i need another helm to complete the tier 2 holiday directive. whats up...
i can use proximity chat with my mic, but not squad chat. iv switched keybindings around, restarted game, ETC.
I have the stalker and one of 3 of the vandals. how would you guys suggest i grind out this directive tree? any ideas for the other weapons i should...
Paid 700 SC for it a while ago, it was changed and is not the weapon i bought. I want a refund of SC.
I made a TR character, only br 12 so far, so im not new to Planetside. I want a larg-ish outfit, preferably with some sort of air division, because i...
Looking for a Nice, laid back NC outfit, Must be reletivly lage, run squads every once in a while, and have som way to communicate between members,...
I had my sister play on my TR character and, unknown to me, bought the striker and chaingun or minigun or whatever can I get a refund for those two...
Sent from my phone, typo much? Will update when I can get 2 computer. want to make a skirmish event were we can get 2 or 3 teams together, one of...
Is there ever any true combat going on in the test server? Everyone should just PLAY there, you have all the weapons unlocked. why doesnt anyone? i...
Looking for an NC outift that is: -Active -Usually has an outfit squad going -Leader is active -No application to join :) Notify me if your outfit...
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