I've given up on it. I've spent about 2 hours hunting, out of about 4-5 hours playing, and have found about 15 at the most. I now have 163 seeds,...
Imo, Engy is the only class that should have C4.
With all these infiltrators, you'd think they might shoot a dart once an hour or something. As to the OP, minor cloak is picking up steam, and...
OP, I love the idea of being able to step out of the Max suit as an Engy and repair it. They could add some cooldowns and slower repair speed to...
Don't feel bad, I had to reread it several times and process it in my brain for a couple of minutes to get it straight! They should have wrote...
You can keep a max alive for a long time if you play it safe, certainly long enough to earn another 450n. Just play safer, smarter, and don't solo...
Don't miss out! I just nabbed a few camos. According to my screen, it should end at 2 am Central time (US).
I think your idea earlier is a reasonable start, but I don't share the perspective of some who want everything to be unique. That might be the...
As a Starsiege vet and Mechwarrior wannabe vet (Mech 4 always crashed on my box (haven't played the latest one yet)), I wholeheartedly want to see...
Yeah, it's hitting everyone I think. Here's the twitter statement: https://twitter.com/planetside2/status/865668168919863297
Yeah, it's definitely a week early. I was about to post this question on Reddit. 2x xp actually started last night shortly after they booted the...
UPDATE: System message was just posted in game that said hacker had been dealt with.
A cert sink, yeah I heard about that. Honestly, I understand the need for a cert sink, but this was the worst way to do it. There are...
That's the UNfiltered master list. Click 'Infiltrator' on the left side and you'll see the sale Tomoe disappear. To clarify on my point, I did...
Thanks OP, I'll try that. For about the last week I've also been having horrible regular stuttering that I never had before. Of course, it may be...
Hopefully step 4 will be customer service working with me and not saying, "sorry, no refunds", because this not only hurts me, it's hurting them!...
So much hate for sunderers, when they are the number one battle creator in the game! A forward spawn point should require teamwork to take out,...
I see ESF's pop flares all the time. A lot of pilots, like me, are either not good enough to beat missiles without flares, or just don't want to...
The extra 12 second repair time for the Van will have to be brought in line with the others. That's the kind of thing that causes players to quit,...
You know, I think I'll try that. I mean, they'll make a quick $18 off of me if they do the deal, and maybe they'll consider changing the policy...
Separate names with a comma.