Hey, I got killed once by a Tank mine on the road right outside my warpgate because I got comfortable and forgot to check. I can respect that.
Well, my question would be: Why are you letting the enemy get that close? Play better defense. It's a perfectly fine tactic. Plus there's an implant...
By all means buff the Vulcan on a Harasser so the TTK is now 1/2 a mag instead of 3/4's.... Stupid *** question bought on by all the people...
My comment on the current Alert system and Continent Locking would be to say that it is putting a great deal of strain on Squad and Platoon leads. To...
VS = Always the victims
The only way to solve this issue is for SOE to publish their usage and K/D rates for Maxes across all factions and servers. Since SOE uses the...
If Haxxors were premium All-Access members SOE wouldn't give a ****.
Get rid of them. They are ruining this game.
Well said, Kolbax. There are dedicated people in this world who hack a game like PS2 for fun.
So what the OP is saying is that I need to have 5-6 loadouts per class to deal with specific situations as they come up, but I am fighting classes...
I'm sorry, a Lib pilot complaining about something? Jeeezus. Most unstoppable vehicle in the game, needs 5-6 people to destroy, able to kill a...
Hacking isn't the threat to SOE revenue. This is a free-to-play game, therefore people can download and play for a bit and if they are inclined,...
Right @bullet010, The point of my post is that a VS Max > 5 infantry. Your "tactic" depends on 5-6 ppl targeting a solo player. VS have better...
That's a crappy answer. Doesn't have to be devastating, just a little bit would be consistent. Splash damage doesn't do much against infantry in the...
It may be minimal, but why can't a HE round deliver splash damage against vehicles aswell as Infantry?
@Ziller You're talking about 1st shot. Now do 2nd, 3rd shots, who is better? The tank that has to stand still or the floating tank moving sideways?
I personally don't like the VS simply because they have fast, side-stepping tanks that can pivit and remain on target, plus invulnerable Liberators...
VS = EZMode Easy to start, easy to shoot, high survivability 1-on-1. Feels like your playing a space shooter. Can essentially play as a noob and...
Typical wussy VS and TR move, go on alts and TK. Not surprising, really, the acts of cowards. Freedom.
Separate names with a comma.