Why buy anything, you don't play the game you play the forum o.O
Yeah and did they fix the rocking the vanguard and prowler main guns suffer from?
This thread is pointless there are people in each faction that say the other is OP so #dealwithit as a now famous Microsoft person likes to say.
Ok a few points here, It's a game played for fun in your spare time so if someone is having more fun fighting TR that's where they will go. It's a...
Your gif is just the dogs you know what's :p
It does 2 shot infantry but since you can fire both it feels like a OHK then again hitting a moving target is pretty hard and i think the fracture...
Have wyou used the raven and how many tanks have you killed with it?
Is this not what a foregrip is ment to solve?
More options is always a good thing :)
I agree totally on the AV issue, I believe it needs a range limit.
What server are you on? There are some aimbots but no more than any other FPS I would say. I can't only speak for the server I play on and the...
Does the spandex change to hot pants in the magrider navy?
The spinning thing sounds like your connection? I use to get this in the game that shall not be named and I figured it was just latency. And the...
And don't question it, he was there and doesn't have the ability to forget or lie o.O
Video or it didn't happen!
Log in have a look I think the game in general has improved and will continue to.
So people put 3000 certs into something and you expect it to be easy to kill o.O
I kinda want the SE warp gate back, as NC we have heritage there.
iamrib7 still waiting on the source of your stats. You keep throwing the word "fact" around and yet arent providing any evidence to support them, I...
You say you arnt whining, so what would you call this? NC are different to TR and require a different playstyle if NC weapons fit your style then...
Separate names with a comma.