I see that I have an extra month of member benefits now, so I can only assume that I was charged again even though I saw nothing about it being...
My gunning sucks.. Quite often, I have many opportunities to shoot the other plane, and I miss. But, how is my flying? I've been practicing, and I...
I've noticed that if I'm idle, I won't get resources. What actions have to be performed, to continue getting paid?
I'm an infantry hunter. Fire Suppression or IR Smoke? Which one, and why?
I farmed about 7k certs total. I already spent some, when I took this screenshot. Also, a video of my best 2 hours (cert farming @ 80k XP/hr.)...
Primarily, I use the L100 HE and fight infantry. Should I get racer, or rival? And why do you prefer one over the other? Thanks.
:( [media]
Which one is better, most often?
I keep logging in, and randomly getting only 12 certs, instead of the 29 I should get. Do other people have this problem? It's kind of false...
Twice in two hours... How do I fix this!?
Do you print certs, when you have Two bursters on your max?
:eek: :confused: [IMG]
For farming certs, what's better? Ammo dispenser, or proximity repair? What will allow me to climb steeper hills? Traction, or acceleration?
I hover over the enemy's spawn point, and my passenger shoots the Dalton. Which performance upgrade is the best? By the description, I think I...
How does one earn so many certs? [img]
This happens frequently: A Lightning, using the 75mm.. He can be 80m to 300m away. He lands all of his shots on my max, while shooting full auto....
It just ended.. why?! I wasted my boost, I've been waiting for this!
Separate names with a comma.