Location is bugged, needs ~30 to 45 degree turn and centered properly. [IMG] [IMG]
Not because of damage or tankiness. Rather their control and feedback feels ****. Pressing A and D on Dervish feels horrible, one touch and you're...
Apparently also with a Orbital Strike Uplink somewhere in that base. [IMG]
To preface FPS in this game for me, when everything was correctly optimized, ran at 60-130 FPS. 130 FPS being in warpgate and with high processor...
So. Since end of August, I had issues with FPS, usually, had 120 fps in the warpgate and around 60 in huge battles, but then my Turbo boost...
So, Bishop posted here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/2feccx/new_red_dot_sights/ preview of new sight shader in effect. To skip to...
There is too much NC representation in that screen and not enough brutality. But that's not the point, I'm driving at. The only cool thing about...
So, who's actually excited for those? Cause they seem to be better allrounders than our starter guns with decent accuracy, SPA, LS and UBS. Probably...
https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/soe-maintenance-notice-july-29-2014.195284/ To be fair, could've been earlier announcement,...
Ladies, we have a new toy for our balance talks with huge accessability and quite nice design. I present you new stat weapon discussion weapon:...
I'm running out of HA weapons to auraxium and haven't found single fun NC HA weapon...
Can you do it before american prime time? Kthxbye! Yes, this is complaint that you've waisted big part of EU primetime yet again. Yes, I am angry....
https://twitter.com/mhigby/status/466718944783368194 Before you say something stupid like a dick read more info. More info: it seems that they...
Go to Settings, Audio. Reduce Dialog bar to 0 and you won't hear any of those pesky voices in your head brambling about losing and capturing control...
Are you enjoying patch notes? Do you think we're on the road to make NC as competitive as other 2 factions? Or is it where it will again stop for...
Servers are down for maintenence. Thank you for you patience. That is, what I wish to see in god damn official forums announcements thread prior...
So I have a question. Does anyone else has a problem with tracer fire having same color as their UI? I for one, can't seem to see my yellow tracers...
With the upcomming Steam OS, will Planetside 2 dabble in it? Or Direct X runs too deep in blood of the game code to transfer?
Can we keep it at infantry level speeds and bring back Hackmaxes to it's former glory (or at least 50% of it's former glory) and buff TR maxes?...
Where is my Combat in my Combat Medic? Where are my capabilities to specialize in combat as much as I can specialize in healing? Why there are no...
Separate names with a comma.