Excellent post, I've been complaining about exactly that for years when people claim the TTK is too low ignoring that i have to get within breath...
Something about the power knife nerf irks me. They are NOT the only one hit weapon in the game, but they are used effectively by the weakest class vs...
Respectfully, this is not true. I get killed crouched and stationary quite often, dancing around right in front of an enemy will earn you the cert...
The infiltrator class is the easiest to kill, and as an infil that specifically hunts other infils i kill them easily whether or not I have an active...
I dont know why this made me laugh so hard
WOW, feeling brand new lol, thanks for the info!
Seriously? This is fairly uncool, theres no way to get to the power knife without using the melle button, 'firing' is not 'selecting', arent infils...
Anyone else seeing this?
2.5 K/D on avg, powerknife only stalker infil, without arrogance im good at it, about 200 away from 20k knife kills, BR 115. Heavies with shield are...
Was this deliberate? The option 'decloak on fire' used to make an exception for accessing the wielded knife, you know because theres no other way to...
BR 115, Infil for about 5 yrs and all this whining about infils I sort of get, but I wonder where is the same energy when other imbalanced classes,...
Knife only infil here with about 13k knife kills, for 1000% certain the deathcam nerfed snipers disproportionate to the other classes. My k/d as a...
The whole point of the halloween pumpkins was the ability to spend the seeds on what we wanted. Now, in a fairly blatant cashgrab, the most desirable...
That do not lead to deaths. This should be binary, if a hit is detected there should be a kill on anything but a Max or shielded heavy or a miss...
You know, I saw this post and thought sucks to be you, then logged in and got stuck on 'INDAR' load screen. ******* Christ
When i log in it already sends me straight to VR, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars :(
Switching to VR???
Also 4x attempts, so i figured id come here and chat with the fellow rejects ;)
This made me lol, the devs must know that theres a chance this would happen. Ive had it occur a few times after updates, normally fixed w/in 24...
Would gift them to you if possible lol, I wanted to get 20k certs for purely aesthetic reasons I have everything I want/need in game
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