Bragging rights and d*** measuring device. has a lot of these, but you have to get a registration key from someone. I know Alarox has some.
Buffing the velocity just because it's same as the magrider's isn't really... a reason...
And why is that sir?
PS2 is not pay to win. I have spent $0 on things that would improve my game play like boosts or a membership, and somehow, I still managed to...
hi partick
If you're going to go A2A, the best thing is to fly high (basically at flight ceiling) and get some situational awareness. Try to avoid getting...
Well, infantry ruins my A2A mlgready style fun.
TLDR pretty much
Pretty much it helps with loading times. It also helps with shadowplay hitching if you have that problem.
oh, you typed "nc" lul
Wait what?
derp, right...
If you insist on using a secondary aid, then yes I would probably stick to coyotes. But eventually I suggest you learn how to fight mlgready...
Well, compared to to just using a nosegun, A2As make a world of difference.
Yes they do provide jump, and a lot if it. Even if they are receiving a warning, it's not like they cannot turn around and counter/dodge it fast...
They have that. The vortek has a significantly higher TTK then the hailstorm and the rotary.
I don't think A2As need any buffs. They still provide extremely high alpha damage for jumping and they will pretty much win you any hover fight....
Glad you tried a bit of VS, op. But judging the magrider off of 29 kills and a 3 vehicle kills is a bit... premature.
Separate names with a comma.