Alternatively you could limit it, so you could only carry one and you know, use teamwork ...
nothing but lock-on noobs everywhere
I wish that my biggest problems was something getting nerfed or changed in a game...
AI secondaries? surely it's a sign that something is off?
still far worse than Enforcer and Sauron
I hate being surrounded by lesser players. no offence, there is room for everyone in this game, just not too close
because having more than 1 free account is impossible?
RIP striker
that makes no sense, female should have the biggest bag.
How exactly will I be able to collect my daily certs then? think before posting
nothing difficult about it. Hover all the way. Racer only gives like 15km/h more over hover (if you use vertical thruster to fly forward)
then plenty of your outfit members are noobs. Marauder is a dual fury, yet fury outperforms it by far
Marauder ....or alternatively Marauder could use a buff, since it is crap
Because I die a lot :eek:
Flak Armor 4 is your friend
Vulcan might be worth taking over Halberd since the damage nerf?
A situation that proves that Zoe is not OP: A whole platoon of ZOE MAXes goes AFK inside the biolab and get knifed by an enemy
Do you get triple lock while standing in a corner and taking a smoke?
now they won't be able to afford mines and MAXes !
Separate names with a comma.