Hey T-Ray, Dark nights are a good thing, but the game is devolving to LCD (Lowest common denominator) "Please Side 2". So- Just make 1 in 4...
My quick and dirty: Simply put, they fixed what wasn't broken. The centralized hud is not only vague (fade out near the extremes, really?) but...
Also stating the same has happened to me.
Concerning the medic thing. That's not malice, that's pro level playing. If you are below 25% health it is quicker to kill you then res you...
Because hour 1 of day 1 of me playing this game I shut that **** off. We use our own dedicated voip program (Teamspeak) as do many other players and...
I actually disagree, but it's a "matter of perspective" disagreement. The "advantages" the commissioner has in damage is marginal, but there,...
Check the in-game tooltip for the knife (I am not in game right now). I was doing my research a day or so ago on TEST, and made note to myself...
Worse. It is "Pre balancing" (nerfing) in anticipation of the MAX unit revamp. "Here is a new feature that we are going to balance your class...
huh, they changed it then I think... When I was testing before I did the math it sumed up to exactly 1000, I think on test knife indicated 600...
Theory crafting. While testing in the VR, remember that it's against "Stock" level 1 dummies and not against nanoweave. I personally am going to...
Of mankind? Heaven's no, I am not sure of "the worst patch" but taking away Linux from the PS3 was definitely up there. Of even Planetside 2?...
Second post, sorry. Just had a semi-brilliant idea. It would be risky, but have the test server purposely stay up while the main servers come...
It's a desert most of the time, but when SOE calls for a specific test hour/session it gets populated. Not capped, but enough to check most...
Pretty sure they don't add to your hitbox. I can't confirm on NC, but I have the viper fins and they do not add to the hitbox.
Ever use a banshee against another ESF? It's an AI weapon... as in anti-infantry. If you want a strong weapon against air the VS Turbo Laser was...
He's hacking. 12/16 is a 75% headshot KILL rate... Which means he is probably getting more headshots than just the kills. When it indicates...
Never you mind, misread.
I prefer nanoweave for 2 main reasons. It's universally beneficial against all types of damage. Survival against a proxy mine or bouncing betty....
As another BR100, you have to make your own goals for the time being. While I have the BR, I still push to araxium medals, upgrade vehicles,...
Hi all, Yesterday I was crashing maybe every 3 - 5 minutes, usually while "something" was happening, a click on a map, hitting escape, shooting,...
Separate names with a comma.