Don't mind if i do! Oh, brilliant! You can now step out of the combat simulator and grab yourself some spandex. It is standard procedure to...
Well a solid implementation of melee weaponry, as in defensive boosts, higher agility and speed, it would create a different playstyle...
OP it is not a bug, they are intended to be that way, every other max weapon that comes out is more fitted for the CoD crowd.
The sales pitch: Imagine an open field battle(with that 80-100 range convergence), where a nc max positioning itself on a hill and there is alot of...
Well VS weaponry is blessed with the lore of being experimental and alien, so anything goes. The idea is solid, a CQC VS max weapon that that...
As for the gauss rifle/cannon, what i had in mind is a weapon that fills the role the NC max does not currently have, a weapon that picks up a...
The only problem with the flamethrower for TR imo, would be its usefulness while being locked down. It would be a nice weapon to push out of...
While imho another carbon copy of the mercies/bshifts would not benefit the game or NC, what about limiting the new gauss gun by a burst-fire...
I'll be damned, post-GU11 and a lolpod thread has emerged, better hurry up on those domes Higby or tighten up the CoF + reducing the bloom on...
These are all valid ideas for organized gameplay, but SOE cannot put these into the main game since they try to reach out to alot of different...
Made a thread just for this issue: Max Imaginatorium
That's too much DAKKA, TR trait AFAIK, would be cool to see if 1 customized saw on each arm would be balanced. Maybe strapping two carbines...
R.I.P Bursters
TR MAX PUNCH NEED BUFF, NC/TR clearly needs a buff to knife pls higby
There is alot more that needs to be added to justify the new cost. Travel mode Either give the versatile fractures to all 3 max or let us have 2...
It is only a matter of time until bursters get buffed back, the flyboys only needs to do the regular ground farming routine for another week and the...
Nice idea, should be implemented ASAP, especially now that scatmax is more viable as AA than a burster max.
Vanu never sleeps, vanu master race and if you join us, we got a spandex uniform for the alien pikachu
Amen. It's life was ended prematurely R.I.P People dont want depth, they want "I win" buttons in a story less war. I'll be damned if the new...
It's been a month or two since the NC scatmax was brought down to auraxis from the clouds and i think the blue behemoths suffered enough, we dont...
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