Ok guy... u are one of the few players who use it. I certed that thing... and dont even use it anymore. there are so rare situations that i can use...
1. Less horizontal recoil on my LC3 Jaguar and my LC2 Lynx. 2. Same hip fire on my Cycler TRV as on my TAR. 3. MAX lockdown to have a recon detect...
Yes, Vulcan and Striker are more than **** now. SOE are making us the NS faction, and i'm very disappointed.
This is a proud Terran Propaganda Comrades! No NERFs can stand against us! You'll need to try harder SOE!!!
Loyalty until death! Strength in unity! [IMG]
I just use my TX1 - Repeater... pretty good side weapon, deadly in close range.
Pffff... try it again, make another post with better arguments. Yes... ZOE is OP as hell, nerf it SOE. Are you happy, now?
Terran way to be... TOP. :cool: Oh look Buzz still there lol... haters gonna hate.
When u feel safe... long range combat, next cover, with teammates support.
The Carnage
We are awesome... i know! Also... we have OP song theme, OP aesthetics and OP background. It is good to be Terran :cool:.
This weapon has DUMBFIRE... the striker dont. U know... with SKEP u can take down maxes and infantry too, pretty versatile RL.
Don't listen to the noobs who says it is OP. It is pretty good if you are aware of your enemies. Mid - Long range engagements. It needs to be...
Heavy assault = pure combate. Nothing more.
1 baby NC on Waterson. 1 baby VS on Miller. And... my awesome, extremely badass... Maj.General Terran on Connery!
Didn't see Higby wearing a commissar cap as headset... And... what about that official cinematic? showing a nc soldier kicking a lot of Terran ***...
Loyalty until... DANCING QUEEN!!! Im feeling almost a Vanu soldier now.
Its because we are awesome! Deal with it :cool:.
It's probably a buff for our glorious t2 striker... we deserve it. :cool:
Separate names with a comma.