NC has two now, Atleast give the other empires one and before you say no, lol
haven't seen you on ceres in ages!
I only get 100/150 a week D:
how was all access? did you get to sample ps2 on ps4?
yeah my title's abit stupid sorry i ment to put it's easier to do know
Sorry Mr Zoran, i ment to write it was much easier at 10 meters inwards, thanks for the videos btw i'm actually still learning the game and...
forgot to mention the jackhammer wasn't buffed
i don't know if you were aware but all your shotguns were buffed, all of them, tighter pellet spreaad across board :) you can OHK with a pump now...
Ah the regular Forumside crew, well atleast half of it, let's wait for tommy, hoki and just about everyone else to make this...
much love - the community
damn son you were quick on the draw
both can fill your powder needs
Implants about to hit live servers, if you're not an experienced player all i can say is [media]
go TK at ceres WG like you usually do
what do you gain out of tk'ing a locked harraser, yes it's a team game but i dont want some br 1 shooting everything when theres nothing there
VS gets all the forgein noobs who like lasers and just shoot when no ones there giving away the sundies position
oh torok, staph
god that was euphoric!
hey i was wondering, when are you going to do your sniping tutorials? eg hitting a moving target, only moukass did a video even then i didn't...
Separate names with a comma.