Great, just ******* great. I just went on the PTS. It's basically blue filter slapped on daytime now. Thanks a bunch.
Gents and not-ladies, I'd like to bring your attention to this single line in the patch notes that just happened to ruin the entire week for me:...
Jesus, are your sarcasm detectors broken? The end paragraph is completely, pure sarcasm.
Thank you for proving my point
It's not about that, it's about principles. The principle being that the options you are given should have clear roles and not completely...
Compare the guns that received a model overhaul a while back (Ursa, Corvus) to what the originals are. Or check out our "suppressors" Some of...
Saw the Magrider, saw the Scythe, saw the Infiltrator, saw the Lasher and the choice wasn't even hard. Still enjoy playing VS because it feels like...
5. Indar sucks
Decoy Grenades? Still bugged after infiltrator patch. /regionsay , a great tool for teamwork in the area broken in the biggest battles where you need...
All of them are flyswat compared to the glory of the SCEV
We derped hard but came out on top.
You think you have it bad? Try getting it jammed between the scythe's blades like a mentally challenged stripper. Nearly impossible to get out of.
I miss Tasty :( And now I miss Yami too :'(
This. Right now there's some balance between picking them.
Good luck. Hope to see you collaborate with TVA in the future!
And on that note, we can close the thread. There's nothing more to discuss. /Summon SOE-MOD-02
Here. Already dusting off my cloaking device. It's time to hunt some scrubs.
Playing all 3 sides is only a logical choice if you want to mathematically maximize your gameplay field in Planetside 2. That said, I still...
No, Lasher pistol was a pistol created by Vanu Labs for lulz using Lasher projectile FX with Cerberus model.
Screw yo' copyrights! **** DA POLICE!
Separate names with a comma.