When trying to unlock new tank guns with certs i receive "There has been an error processing your request". So far MBT variants of Kingsnake and...
Greetings. Noticed this problem with base capture contribution: Any support XP (confirmed with every type) - healing, shield recharge, reviving,...
Since medic was almost the same since release and only playstyle deviation added by devs was Regeneration Field, i think it is time to add some...
Construction system QOL ideas from dedicated builder: 1. Bunkers, towers and pillboxes should have shared building pool like Walls (Why we can`t...
As we all know - current Skyguard is a joke. It can only kill inexpirienced ESF pilots and ANY Liberator will tear him apart. So, here is my vision...
I`ll leave it here, in case DEVs read their forum. As fellow Builder i was pretty hyped with recent Construction rework, until i stumbled on very...
Let`s take a look on current queue system. Players have their tastes, for example - playing specific faction. Current iteration of queue system NOT...
Greetings, Comrades. Dargadon here with another idea. Now - about new consumable item. Adrenaline injections Slot: Same slot with C4 or medikits....
Greetings, Comrades. Another possible improvement to the game, that can diverse our, let`s be honest, shallow gameplay. When character receives...
Greetings, comrades. To be honest - i don`t know reason SOE gave Medic AR as aviable weapon choice when they clearly must take support role in...
To put it simply: Change "Necessary kills" on all stupid "get Auraxium" directives to "Necessary EXP". In example - 1 kill today is worth 100 EXP....
Greetings, comrades. Bringing this to your judge. Deployment. Pretty big, about 1 meter in height, bulky dispenser-like thing with holografic...
Ahem. 1. Hunter Cloak. Shooting "overheating" stealth-module (kinda like overheat on engineer repair tool), draining it to 0% and disabling...
Kinda tired seeing MAXes charging in, out and around, so i have an idea. 1. Remove MAX Charge ability from the game. 2. Make current sprint and...
Okay. So this was my 4th crash in last 15 minutes. Just crashing to desktop with "Process stoped responding". Thanks for RAW patch again SOE :eek:
Seriously? Auraxis Firearms. 3 immortal VS Liberators, 2 Scythes. Taking damage only from Lock-On rockets. No collision damage. Rammed Galaxy on one...
So here it is. Logged in, went to hotspot, died, and then game crashing every time on Deploy-select map screen. Any ideas? Did Validation - all fine.
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