Far too many of the areas between bases have annoying vehicle choke points or unnecessarily long detours to physically get from A to B, which can...
It's in your head. [IMG] FWIW, I have 50/50 % NC/TR kills.
I'm at nearly 2.5x auraxium on the Lasher. She'll get you killed a lot in general use, but when the situation is right, she really shines. One of...
Another issue with Connery TR is things like this, from earlier today: [IMG] NC are going to get the warpgate touch virtually unopposed, but the...
I've heard his ranting in proxy after C4ing a spawn because we weren't pushing the point against 80% TR population. He's definitely not Russian.
So very true. I don't Magrider often anymore, but the last couple of times a love-tap from the main cannon followed by a Magburner fueled ram...
I don't know about alert timer freezes, but I've seen a number of situations similar to the following: Alert timer is at 4:00 and counting down....
I love getting grief notifications for proxy mines I had planted 20 minutes ago (to help deter/slow ghost cappers on a base that's not the main push,...
I've been dabbling on TR on those odd days when VS has huge global over population, and TR really seems to be a different culture from VS, at least...
Ah, a cross-post from reddit. For a second I was worried you had dumped a ton of certs into ZOE.
For VS, you can equip an ability that makes you glow shoot-me pink, makes you take MORE damage, and boosts your damage output within 5 whole meters....
That HA to Engineer transition gets you killed a lot.
Nope. As a nearly 2.5x auraxium Lasher user, weapons lock most definitely is a thing. Lashers, sticky 'nades, and AI MANA turrets almost seem to...
As a noob? My first noob experience was being shown a very short video explaining the basic philosophy of the three factions before being drop-podded...
There was a long period where surge could be used in combat. The wallhumping Surgile Jackhammer users warping through stairs and walls because...
Exactly. Which is why in my first reply I said, Apparently Mr. Stalkish missed that.
Control xp ticks only happen when there's a sufficient number of enemies in the hex. On the lightning, stick with the viper for versatility until...
True for vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infantry. But friendly infantry can run right through friendly infantry at any point. Anyone that's played...
1) Player collision is turned off for friendlies, and on for enemies. That's why, for example, you can occasionally discover a stalker cloak...
Do 2800 kills with the Lasher count as 1 auraxium or 2? (I had more than auraxiumed it before directives were a thing, and the HA directive wanted...
Separate names with a comma.