just wondering about people´s opinion on the NSO maincannon worth it? or just keep the default? ... because i´m not realy that hot on investing into...
i admit i already only play on and off with periods of time not being active for months but seeing the PTS changes coming to live i have less and...
.. when appearantly there are no additional options to spec into? ( feel free to check...
Many LMGs and shotguns with audio out of sync when reloading after update
so i just tested the Seeker heavy crossbow in VR and even with the firingdelay it seems to be a pretty good weapon especialy since it doesn´t need...
pretty much the title ... pls ... also buff MAX general surviveabiliy, heck i wouldn´t mind AI capability to be realed in a bit
TL, DR: add MOAR options to each platform for better selfexpression and balance between platforms LONG version (unlikely without...
pretty much the title neither AV- nor underbarrelgrenades deal enough damage to armor 3 UB grenades can´t even finish off a MAXsuit ... forget even...
on Cobalt using my NC char i am not receiving any nanites my nanites stay at zero and i can´t replenish my consumables pls fix
pretty much the title as there are many LMGs, carbines and other weapons that have a desync reload animation to audio feedback were the animation is...
so i went and tested a couple weapons specifically shotguns that were supposed to 2 shot kill infantry up to 35m ..which i tried with smartchoke +...
what´s a good general NSO/NS Launcher option to pick for Antiair/antivehicleduty?? shall i go NSO AA launcher or annihilator? something else entirely?
at the very least on my NC character (will check the other factions later i no longer get resources for participating in basecaptures (i am my own...
for offtimeperiods or on factionballancequeues with only one available continent make koltyr available permanently again and allow it to keep...
This has been an issue for me for the longest time Players keep building their bases directly next to a cortiumspawn, what then happens is that base...
Now i do apreciate the fact that DBG added a way to respec your invested tokens and allow you to change them whenever you feel not entirely happy...
no sound when reloading as well as weaponmodel getting bigger
personaly the new burst assaultrifles feel pretty good .. TR could get a bit of a kickbuff (and maybe 6 ammo more per mag) but otherwise i think it´s...
I´m not asking this question lightly, neither do i want to go all "IT`S DOOOOOMED!!!" ... but considering the recent layoffs and current at least...
lets talk about the >>>"ROLE"<<< of the MAX in general and not derail this threat into the NC version being underpowered again .. also "deleted"...
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