i think im a go for the couger, i was thinking the same thing about using ns weapons outside ha
how is the ns-11c, i was intending on getting it as i luv the ns-15 on my ha. ive just started playing la again and at the mo i use the t5 amc...
k/d really means nothing in a game like this, i came from red orchestra 2 that dosent even record deaths on the score bored. how can it matter in an...
the maps are great if you dont take in to consideration some of the base designs and how close they are how ever since the patch and the increased...
i know im only br 37 with 150 odd hours in game but im signing up for this.. wonder if any of my outfit will to.. this is the sorta thing that makes...
now youve got me tempted
me to, even though this type of low damage and recoil with high accuracy relying on head shots is not the sorta weapon i thoghy would enjoy.. i...
fixed it, moved the ram to slot 2, which is 1 slot away from slot 1, odd, but problem fixed bf 3 runs fine and ps2 runs the best it ver has.. still...
the guy i got it from is an independent shop and has done all the paid work on my pc that i couldnt do my self so im hopefull he well replace it...
i made a pose before about how i thought that my gfx card having just under a gig of memory was continuing to cause me hitching, i have since...
im only 140 ish hours in but i feel this kinda loyalty to my fraction.. ive never had this kinda feeling in an online game before and it really adds...
Has any one else noticed the box for phys x has gone and a greyed out box (for me any way) for gpu particles is now in the options. Could this mean...
is there any way of knowing what other than texture quality effects the cards ram or is there any thing else that could cause the minor hitching
i was running the game well on low with effects on high and lighting on medium in 1300 by 766 with my 9800 gt with texture on high and render...
well according to that program it never uses more tha 80% or 700 mb of vram, gpu core load is at 99% but is that a bad thing ps memory core load...
will try that thanks
every thing is on medium except effects, lighting and texture quality (that are all on high).. shadows are off as is all other tick boxes.. i was...
hi i was recently given a factory over clockd nvidia 260 gtx with just under 900 mb vram to replace my aging nvidia 9800 1gb. ive been able to up my...
CHEESE CAKE!!!! a cake... of cheese... what madness is this
most fun in a gun fight as TR for me at the mo is medic with the stock AR, the thing just puts enemys down
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